From a cognitive standpoint the rationale for using reminiscence therapy with individuals with dementia is based on the theory that function is improved by decreasing the demands on impaired cognitive abilities and capitalizing on preserved ones. Because individuals with dementia in the early to moderate stages, have greater preservation of remote as compared to recent autobiographical memory (Greene and Hodges, 1996, Kopelman 1985), researchers have hypothesized that talking about previous life events would result in enhanced communicative ability between older adults and their communication partners (Woods, Spector, Jones, Orrell and Davis, 2005.) Reminiscence can be evoked through verbal means, often prompts such as music, pictures and sounds are used to facilitate reminiscence. SLP's may use reminiscence to promote engagement in daily life activities and to minimize social isolation by encouraging interaction. (Kim, E.S. et al; 2006) References
Biernacki, Claire (2007) Dementia Metamorphosis in Care West Sussex, England: Jon Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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Kim, E.S. et al; Evidenced Based Practice: Recommendations for Working with Individuals with Dementia: Group Reminiscence Therapy; Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology 2006, (14) 3 pp. xxiii- xxxiv. Taylor-Goh, Sylvia (2005) RCLST- Clinical Guidelines. London, England: Speechmark Publishing, Ltd Tomaino, C (2012, November). Mending the Brain through Music; Dementia Today; retrieved from http://www.dementiatoday.com
Tomaino, C (2013, April 2). Dementia Therapy and Music. A Place for Mom. Retrieved December 3, 2013, http://www.aplaceformom.com/senior-care-resources/articles/dementia-therapy-and-music.