Believe in Brigadoon
Posted on: 7th March 2015 20:01:07

Tell your momma that we’re leaving! Tell your daddy that we’re gone…

~~ The Wonders  

 (That Thing You Do 1996)



…To Brigadoon for the wedding of bonnie Jean Campbell to Charlie Dalrymple.


Welcome to the March 2015 Edition.


From the opening of the film on MacConnachy Square Brigadoon fits well into the party theme for this year.



In Brigadoon we find a Town/Village full of engaging people just waiting for a chance to have a pint of heather ale and dance a jig in celebration of the wedding or St. Patrick’s Day (in accordance with the Guide.)


A celebration is the perfect way to answer this month’s thought provoking question:


How can this film be an engaging activity for my clients, students and family member?


The simplest answer?  Pop it into the DVD Player Grab your Guidebook and go!


This film contains something engaging for everyone. 


A Party: Hosted by the groom, Charlie Dalrymple.  A party  full of drink, song and dance. Beginning with a pint of   heather ale, featuring a great song about the power of love to cure any dalliance and great dances featuring Gene Kelly, that makes everyone want to go home with bonnie Jean!



Mystery: Brigadoon. It’s not on any map?



Jealousy:   Of a man scorned (Harry Beaton): “It isn’t fair for Charlie Dalrymple to be wedding her…He’s got everything, school in Edinburgh and now Jean. I got nothing. Nothing but to be trapped in this peasant village all my life…the boundaries of a town? It is more the dimensions of my jail!”

Take time to discuss how jealousy can change the course of relationships or lives.


Courtship/Love:  ”Can't we two go walkin' together, out beyond the valley of trees? Out where there's a hillside of heather, curtsyin' gently in the breeze. That's what I'd like to do, see the heather, but with you.”

Take time to reminisce with family about courtship. What affect did your family/friends have on your decision to date, marry and have children?


Murder?: Harry Beaton proclaims: I’m leaving Brigadoon! ‘Tis the end of all of us!


Is it true? Could he make Brigadoon disappear?  If he gets away? 


What will the aftermath of such an event reveal for the characters that remain?


The test of friendship: As Jeff confronts Tommy about why he wants to stay in Brigadoon:


“I don’t know what goes on around here but it’s got nothing to do with me or you! …You want to give up your family, your friends, your whole life for this!”  


What influence does Jeff have over Tommy and his decision to stay or go?


How can the introduction of a loving partner change the dynamics of a friendship?  


How does friendship change over time? What makes childhood friendship last until adulthood?


What great discussion topics! Each one applicable to all stages and many different ages!



Each one made for a great afternoon of singing, reminiscing, and reflection that is sure to make you agree with Tommy when he says:


“I believe in her… I believe in this place and I can’t leave!”


Stay as long as you like!  


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



But not too long! You’re expected on the Avenue ~ 5thAvenue for the party that is Easter Parade!  This April!


~~ Lori












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