Spring Party in Oklahoma!
Posted on: 6th May 2015 18:54:59


“There’s a party goin on!”~~ The Wonders


There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow…the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye” and  it’s a “beautiful morning!”  Let’s join Gordon Macrae (Curley) and Shirley Jones (Laurey) on the prairie,  as they fight, flirt, coax and court each other through many interactions, beginning with the Box Social and ending  with a proposal!


Welcome to the May 2015 Edition ~~ Oklahoma!


From the opening fight, (or is it a flirtation?) between these two characters we see that the ride through courtship will be a bumpy one indeed. Although initially taken by Curley, as he spins his “purty” story   of a Surry with the Fringe on Top, Laurey is immediately angered when she finds he has been “telling (her) lies”


Whether lies, or flirtations, these are the key elements used by men in movie musicals to get what they want  - the girl.


In the movie musical the best way to get the girl is to invite her a party.   In Oklahoma, the biggest party of season is the Box Social. It is the event around which all the action revolves.  It is the reason Aunt Eller wants to wear her fascinator, why Laurey teases Curley and why Curly sings to Laurey, first at her window and later in the beautiful duet, People Will Say We’re in Love. (“Don’t you think you could tell that Judd fella you’d rather go with me tonight?”)


It is also the catalyst by which we can answer this month’s thought provoking question:


How can this film be an engaging activity for my clients, students and family members?    Familiar songs, a simple plot, the prospect of a party and a happy ending make this film engaging from the start. Pop in the DVD, grab your Guide and go! 


As with all the films in the guide, when sing–a-longs segue into discussion of behavior take time to discuss the dynamics of male/female relationships with all your clients (adults and students). 


Begin with reminiscing about the chase, (dating, flirting); continue through the fight for the girl (masked nicely in film as a bid for her picnic basket).  Why do men feel the need to engage in such practices? How and why do women encourage such behavior? End with proposal of marriage and a wedding.  Perfect for reminiscing with Grandma and Mom about the wedding day.  


The third wheels in this story (Ado Annie and Will Parker) provide a nice contrast to Laurey and Curley.


Compare and contrast the relationships. What motivates each pair to come together? What outside forces pull them apart? Are they the same forces?   Are these couples a good match?  What are the best qualities in a partner? What do you look for in a partner?   What qualities brought Grandma, Grandpa, Mom and Dad together?  


A plethora of thought provoking questions for all generations that will keep the conversation, not to mention the party, goin’ on all month long!




PS: Don’t forget to join us for the Party at the Booth when we travel to the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for the FLASHA Convention May 28-30!


 See You There!











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