Party At The Booth!
Posted on: 1st October 2015 09:53:31

Tell your momma that you're leaving! Tell your daddy that we're gone!  Tell everyone…there’s a Party goin’ on!


At the CapeCodder Resort and Spa in Hyannis Massachusetts 


Welcome to the October 2015 Edition!



This month we pack our boxes, bags and Guidebooks to the Classic Movie Musical and hit the road to New England for the Massachusetts Council of Activity Professionals (MassCap) Convention Oct. 15-16, 2015



Come visit us for two days of fun, information, and some great surprises!


The Guide is tailor made for our friends in the activity profession. If movies are already part of your activity calendar, why not give Movies and Music a try?


Learn how to utilize 12 classic movie musicals to promote communication in your clients.


Kick that sedentary activity up a notch! Turn watching a movie into a great interactive event that will have your clients engaged, laughing, talking, reminiscing and dancing in their seats. Foster increased communi­cation, conversation and long-term memory.


If you’re thinking. "I haven’t the time to prep such an activity!" Movies and Music has prepared all 12 activities for you!  Just gather your residents in front of the DVD player, pop in the DVD, grab your guide and go! Nothing is simpler or more fun!



The Guide will provide you with an entire year of programming for one low price!


“Great to reconnect with you at ASHA, finally able to get my facility on board. We will be implementing this program for all our interested residents in long term care setting (including those I have on caseload.) Looking forward to lots of fun in therapy.” Sarah Willard, Pix4Communication



When you visit the convention and purchase your Guide, you’ll receive a free DVD to help  “kick off” your new Interactive Event!


You can enhance your interaction, and further your knowledge of the power of Movies and Music, when you sign-up to:


Receive our on-line newsletter: Movies, Music, Memories



“Like” us on facebook (


following us on twitter (@MoviesandMusic2).


Register for a chance to win a Movies and Music promotional prize.


See you at the Booth!


 PS: In the meantime, enjoy the party at the Smith family household, as Esther and Rose ask to “Meet Me In St Louis” for Alonzo’s going away party.  Please stay for the Worlds Fair!

-- Lori




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