Ready for FLASHA!
Posted on: 8th May 2016 20:11:37

“You get what you get when you go for it!” I’m ready to take a chance…” (Barry Manilow, 1978)


Welcome to the May 2016 Edition ~ Ready For FLASHA with a stop in Oklahoma!



This is a big event in the life of Movies and Music!


As the clock ticks down to the Florida Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention at the Caribe Royale Resort in Orlando May 26 – 29 2016,   Movies and Music's own Lori  Yauch, is putting the final touches on Let’s Get Engaged! Using Multi-Media in Reminiscence Therapy.



This lecture is inspired by the guidebook and interactions with clients, friends, and fans. It will help you learn how to take traditional reminiscence therapy and turn it into an attention grabbing activity for all stages and many different ages, when the movie musical crosses decades and explores themes of empowered women.



From Dorothy, in Wizard of Oz, to Baby, in Dirty Dancing, empowered women are great characters. Women who know what they want and get it with a smile, an attitude, and of course a song.



Laurey Williams, in Oklahoma, is a perfect example, a girl with a big voice and an even bigger attitude~ an attitude that can get her what she wants (Curly) or push him away~ dependent upon her mood at the moment.


It is the changing mood of the girl that keeps the boy guessing, and prompts us, as an audience, to be engaged, and ask those thought provoking questions:


What is it about this movie musical, that make us happy when we’re sad, make us want to sing, reminisce, explore social behavior, and find that second chances are always welcome?



We want to see women who can take care of themselves, (“Get on outta here…tellin’ me lies!”), women who can sing and tell a great story (People Will Say We’re In Love). We want to see happy endings and reminisce with family and friends about real life happy endings.



So…Meet Me at FLASHA May 29, 2016 1:00 p.m. and let’s get engaged with multi-media and put the fun back in functional!



See You There!


~~ Lori


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