Happiness Through Connection
Posted on: 1st May 2021 16:40:51

“Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth! Clap along if you know what happiness is to you!”


These are powerful words! What happiness means to you?”


After: Countless Facebook and Twitter posts,  convention meet and greets (both virtual and live), meeting a milestone (the 100th Blog), establishing an exciting partnership with willGather.com, happiness means connecting with people!



Welcome to the July 2019 Edition ~~ Happiness Through Connection!



Finding a way into the hearts, minds, and communication abilities of those living with neurological conditions, discovering common ground between the generations, and introducing a new generation to films that should be, and are by many, considered pieces of art, to us that’s connecting!



All the guidebook couples beginning with  Connie and Bill (Orchestra Wives), to this month’s couple Marian and Harold (The Music Man), and beyond are in pursuit of something that fills a void, provides a purpose, or for Harold and Marian is a source of change.



Marian is a strong, independent woman. She does not need a man to measure her self-worth or to support her.  



However, she does admit: All I want is a plain man, a modest man, a quiet man, a gentle man,  a straightforward and honest man.” Harold Hill,  the handsome, charming, slick con man with a line for everyone, is not that man.  He admits to preferring the “sadder but wiser girl.”  Marian is not that girl.   



On the surface, these assessments are correct. They are no what the other wants, but are what they need – change! Change that will bring Harold a sense  of peace and stability (“I got my foot caught in the door"),  and Marian a sense of adventure (  “I ‘ve never been to the footbridge!”)



It is this change that we as an audience enjoy!



We smile and laugh during the chase  (“I have some wonderful caramels over the hotel”),  we sing along during the courtship (“Goodnight my someone, goodnight my love”; “ She’s your Shipoopi” ).



When they get to the footbridge and discover, “there were bells on a hill, but I never heard them ringing,  no, I never heard them at all till there was you.”  We feel the couple’s connection and cheer it!



As Marian and Harold “connect,” take time to discuss with all your clientele how they connect with others.  With options from the traditional (letter writing, telephoning) to the digital (email, text, and Facetime), don’t overlook the person-person face to face, handshake, hand-holding, hug or in the interactive event that has engaged and connected all of us~~ Movies and Music!



Have a Safe and Happy Independence Day!





To Our Friends and Fans attending FHCAC  at the Daytona Hilton Resort July 28-31: Although other commitments will keep us away from the exhibit hall, look for our promotional materials and a door prize throughout the convention.


The Celebration of the 100th Blog Continues: Now- July 30th take $10.00 off the product of your choice. Click the meaningfulmemorymaker.com link, send an email to lkymam1@verizon.net Subject: #MilestoneMay indicating your choice.


We are celebrating the Power of Reminiscence to engage and connect us all!







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