The Gal For Me
Posted on: 5th June 2011 22:38:04
Welcome to the June Installment -- Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was chosen for inclusion in the workbook because it fits well into the overall theme of the book. June weddings. My mother and sister married in June and it seems the seven brides in our story wish for a June wedding. The story fits well into the premise of all the movies in the guide. Boy meets girl boy gets girl etc. It talks explicitly about the themes I so often address – the relationship between men and women, dating a.k.a courtin’, and manners (socially acceptable behavior). In fact, one of my group members when asked about Adam’s behavior toward women in the first scene, (he eyes the girls up and down and says, “You’re all pretty, and fresh and young, I’ll keep you in mind but I ain’t deciding nothin’ ‘til I look ‘em all over”), says, “he’s an A-H!” (Fill in the blanks for yourself!). Remember folks with dementing conditions don’t have a filter for their language – whatever they are thinking comes out of their mouths! In this case she was right! I find this film more than any other helps me explore the relationship between men and women from dating, to marriage, to the birth of children with all its joys and hardships. My group members relate well to this aspect of the film.
They remember courting, dancing, and ”sofa settin”. They recall their wedding days vividly and the hardships they faced in the early years of marriage. Although this film takes place in the 1800’s when the country was being settled and those hardships, I relate those hardships to similar experiences during the Depression. I ask my group members to recall what life was like during that time. These questions open great avenues for conversation, reminiscing and of course word finding. (“What is “sparkin”, sofa settin’?” Etc.) This film also explores how men fight over and for women. The brothers don’t intend to “meet girl, get girl, lose girl”. They intend to “meet girl”, like girl, get girl and KEEP GIRL”-- even if they have to kidnap her to do it. I like this because we get to explore how the girls’ attitudes toward the brothers change over time. The group then discusses their feelings toward their spouses upon meeting them for the first time. Some great stories come out from my ladies and gentleman about who chased harder. The chase, the courtin,’ the dancin’ the fightin’ all for the love of a girl! These are all key elements in making Seven Brides for Seven Brothers a great film and a joy to watch with any group!
Lori |