Singin In The Rain
Posted on: 31st July 2011 19:26:42

Welcome to the August Installment – Singin’ in the Rain!

It is fitting that I write this today as it is raining here in Florida!

I believe it rains almost daily here in August, so it is also fitting that the Movie of the Month should be Singin’ in the Rain.

This film also happens to be the greatest movie musical ever made, not to mention my favorite.  

Don’t believe me? Well then believe the American Film Institute who ranked this film #5 on its list of 100 Years 100 Movies and #1 on it’s 25 Greatest Musicals of All Time.

I love it for so many reasons – starting of course with Gene Kelly. In this film, as in Brigadoon, he demonstrates fabulous dancing skill. Who else could dance in milk (made to look like rain), with 103 degree fever and make it look effortless? -- No one but Kelly.

This film is also a great history lesson regarding the making of talking pictures in the 1920’s. In fact I remember taking a film appreciation class in college, which began with silent films. The first film we saw was Singin’ in the Rain because it takes place during the infancy of talking pictures. 

Finally, I love it (as should all speech pathologists), because it pays homage to us.  Although in the film we are called “diction coaches”. The tongue twister exercises that are shown in the film are things that I do with all my patients who have issues with intelligibility.

But enough about me, and my love for the film  -- the reason we are here is to discover whether this film works for my patients/clients/residents.  The answer is yes. My patients love it for the story and the songs. Who doesn’t know the words to the title song? Or laugh at Donald O’Connor in “Make ‘Em Laugh”?   In fact, some of the ladies in the group recall being chorus girls. One was even a Rockette and told stories about working with Bob Hope.    What fabulous memories to have and to share! 

I find this activity to be such a great part of my clinical practice because I find reminiscing to be such a great tool to further, not only my patients language and cognitive abilities, but also their ability to interact with others and share stories about lives well lived.  In what other context would you find out your patient was a former Rockette? -- No place else but at Movies and Music!


I hope you and your group find great memories to share this month as you go Dancin’ and Singin’ in the Rain!”


Thanks for looking in!


See you in September for Fiddler on the Roof!







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