Invitation to Spring in OKLAHOMA
Posted on: 1st May 2014 16:56:56

Welcome to the May 2014 Edition ~~ OKLAHOMA !


This month we open an invitation to a carriage ride in the Surrey the Fringe on Top, which will take us to the Spring Box Social in OKLAHOMA!



Spring is in the air, “there’s a bright golden haze on the meadow… the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye” and it’s a beautiful morning!”


An idyllic picture made better by the presence of Gordon MaCrae as Curly, bursting on to the scene with that larger than life voice and those “right from the prairie” chiseled features.


We, as an audience notice him but he seems to only have eyes for “Miss Laurey”.


Laurey Williams (Shirley Jones) is the classic Movie Musical heroine, young pretty with a big voice and big attitude~ an attitude that can get her what she wants (Curly) or push him away~ dependent upon her mood at the moment.


In the Classic Movie Musical plot of boy meets girl…this is the “dance” of courtship.


Courtship is the answer to this month’s thought provoking question for clinicians, educators and families:


Why Oklahoma?


It is one of the best films to illustrate the joys and hardships of courtship in Classic Musical film.


Courtship as a theme is universal and a great discussion topic for your older generation clientele including  Grandma/Grandpa  as well as your students.



Courtship begins with flirtation:


  • Who is better at it Curley or Laurey?
  • When Curley “makes up a few purities” about The Surrey with the Fringe on Top is that a form of flirting?



  • When they sing: “Don’t start collecting things, give me my rose and my glove, sweetheart they’re suspecting things, people will say we’re in love”.  “…Grant your wish I carved our initials on that tree!” 

 Is that a form of flirting?


  • Are their fights a form of flirtation? Why?


What was Courtship like for the older generation?

  • What was considered flirtatious?
  • Was it welcomed?


Does flirtation have a place in modern day romance?


What are the similarities/differences in dating practices?


  • If Laurey likes Curley what motivates her to act the way she does in this early stage of the relationship?
  • What are Curley’s motives?
  • Is he interested only in the chase?


As the story and by design courtship, progresses from flirtation to “dating”, as seen when Curly “bids” for Laurey’s affection against Judd the farmhand, masked nicely in film as a bid for her picnic basket, we can move to a series of thought provoking questions about popularity.


For Grandma/ Older Generation Clientele:

  • Were you popular?
  • Did you have many boyfriends?
  • Did your family allow a lot of dating?
  • What did you think of Grandpa?
  • What was your first date like?


For Students:

  • Is Laurey popular?
  • What motivates Laurey to consider going to the Box Social with Judd?
  • Is she aware of her effect on these men?
  • Is rivalry a natural part of a relationship if you are popular/smart?
  • If you are popular are others naturally jealous of you?


As the story/courtship moves from dating  to marriage  spend some time with  Grandma reminiscing about the proposal, the wedding, the dress, the ceremony. Some great insights into her life are bound to come forth.


When discussing the question of marriage with students discuss the timing of marriage and the responsibilities required for building a life together.


Flirtation, Love, Jealousy, Marriage and building a life with a partner are sure to keep you /your clients, students and family members courtin’ all month long!



Next time… When seven boys meet seven girls and springtime courtin’ turns to June matrimony…you’re invited to Seven Brides for Seven Brothers!




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